Our students apply democratic principles and participate fully in school leadership. SAS student government consists of the Student Council and representatives who voice the students’ needs and support the school’s decision-making process. Members are elected by the SAS student body and hold their position for one school year. In addition, all students are empowered to contribute to the learning community through their talents and gifts, innovation and service. Morning assemblies, daily prayers and special events on campus are completely led by student leaders with the support of faculty mentors.
Our students are held to high standards with regards to how they interact with peers, faculty, family and community. Respect and collaboration are nonnegotiable in our learning environment. While most students do not yet master all of their social interactions, they are expected to learn from their mistakes. When they emerge from conflict resolution, they do so with the knowledge and skills to become peacemakers. The depth of Catholic teachings are evident, when our graduates receive recognition for their social and academic maturity, and intercultural skills in high school. When students live their faith, they learn from their teacher Jesus Christ and engage actively in their parish community and beyond.
SAS has many cherished traditions that enrich the learning environment and allow students to spend time with classmates, friends and older students who mentor their younger peers. Activities include for example: Catholic Schools Week celebration, Jog-A-Thon, Christmas Program, Halloween parties, Indian Fair, Valentines, “Spooky story” with my buddy, Junior High Social, Talent Show, “Dr. Seuss” Day and much more! School spirit and “Saxon” pride is present on the sports field, in our classrooms and during special assemblies and celebrations. This is why we say: “One Spirit, One Family!”